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Communi "Tea" for Newcomer Parents and Caregivers

Event Date




Dear Newcomer Parents and Caregivers,

You are invited to attend an informal gathering with SWIS (settlement Worker in Schools), Ruby Wang, for a morning tea, refreshments, and conversation. Also visit the Currie Heritage School House, which has over a century of history. Come to meet other parents and ask questions you may have about our schools and parenting skills. Translation in Mandarin will be provided.

Date: Tuesday Nov 21st 10AM-11:45AM

Location: Currie Heritage School House (8220 General Currie Rd, Richmond) / Parking: street parking along General Currie Road


我们邀请您参加次轻松的聚会,与学校的移民安顿辅导员Ruby Wang一起共享上午茶,品尝点,畅谈。同时参观具有超过百年历史的Currie Heritage School House。您还可以结识其他家长。届时对您们提出的关于学校的各种事宜以及育儿问题,Ruby会尽量作答。并将提供普通话翻译服务。


地点:Currie Heritage School House (8220 General Currie Rd, Richmond) / Parking: street parking along General Currie Road(沿着General Currie road有路边免费停车位)

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