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Successful Learner Framework

Using the work of Susan Bannister (2016), we introduced our gr. 6/7 students to a creative way to learn about the core competencies.  Bannister (2016) has taken the Core Competencies and divided them into eight animals that students can easily understand.  We created a quiz for students to take during our leadership conference that helps students identify their key core competency strength.  We are using this information to help students develop a better of understanding of themselves. We believe that as students gain a better understanding of their core competency skills, their maturity, leadership and place in our school community grows.  Students will continue to reflect on this work and develop strategies to help them highlight their strengths and focus on their learning areas.  Our plan is to implement a school wide focus on the core competencies using our gr. 6/7 students as role models.  

Updated: Tuesday, November 30, 2021