
Using Student Voice to Guide Our Focus

Data was collected from the participation of some intermediate students in a Student Focus group that occurred in spring 2022.  The group discussion was facilitated by two School District employees who came to Spul'u'kwuks to meet with the group of students in Grades 5, 6 and 7.   The purpose was to collect information from students about kindness, building community, and their sense of belonging at school. With the insight we gained from listening to student voices, our aim was to understand how our students experience the school environment and to hear their suggestions for our continued growth at both the school and district levels. 

Our examination of this data guided our focus for this school year and reinforced that belonging and connectedness continue to be important for our students.  By learning about our school name, the Musqueam people, the hən̓ q̓ əmin̓ əm̓ language, and building a strong school identity together, we are working towards increasing the sense of belonging.

Updated: Friday, February 24, 2023